

Watchin es un estudio joven fundado por Matias Mateos y Fernando Wigutow ambos con gran experiencia y trayectoria en el mercado Audiovisual. Como estudio desarrollamos proyectos combinando diferentes disciplinas artísticas como la Animación 3D, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion, Realización y Fotografía entre otras. Contamos con un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinario y profesional capaz de llevar a cabo diferentes tipos de proyectos. Siempre teniendo como premisa experimentar e innovar para obtener piezas que se destaquen de manera audiovisual. Estamos ubicados en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en el barrio de Palermo, corazón del Distrito Audiovisual.

Watchin is a young studio founded by Matias Mateos and Fernando Wigutow both with great experience and trajectory in the Audiovisual market. As a studio we develop projects combining different artistic disciplines such as 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion, Audiovisual Production and Photography among others. We have a multidisciplinary and professional working group capable of carrying out different types of projects. Always having as a premise to experiment and innovate to obtain pieces that stand out in an audiovisual way. We are located in the City of Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood of Palermo, heart of the Audiovisual District.

Watchin is located in Buenos Aires
VR in Buenos Aires
Watchin Estudio is Design
3D Animation
Watching Fluid Animation
Art ideas